[CinCV Old] [CinCV TNG] About GREYCstoration plugin
David Tschumperlé
2015-04-25 08:52:06 UTC
Nicola Ferralis <***@...> writes:
the same.
So rewriting a more comprehensive plugin based on the new CImg library
is certainly possible, but wouldn't provide any benefit to what it can
do now, other than additional processing capabilities. The trade off is
that a new plugin needs to be written from scratch.
Except for better stability and speed (the algorithm has been parallelized,
and run almost Nx faster on a N-core machine, if N<8). It also takes less
memory to perform. I don't think you need to rewrite the plug-in from
scratch, as you basically just have to change the call to the main smoothing
function by something else, all the remaining code should stay the same.
Maybe if I have some time, I'll try to look at your plug-in code to see if
this is really a huge amount of work to update to the latest version of CImg,
and/or call G'MIC filters instead.



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